Thursday, November 28, 2019

A midsummer nights realization free essay sample

My Grandpa died and â€Å"The Notebook† made me cry. No, it wasn’t the death of my masculinity, and no I actually don’t remember any of the characters names. For someone looking on, it might have been a little bit funny. But still, my Pepere died and â€Å"The Notebook† made me realize it. It was two weeks after the fact and there I was on the couch with my girlfriend. I was good up until the final scene when the woman with Alzheimer’s and her husband peacefully pass away in each others arms. See, my grandpa died sitting in his wheelchair at a table. Just blink, and then his head’s down next to the watery soup that they thought passed for a meal; just bam, gone. Bye Pepere, I love you.I didn’t cry for myself. I cried for my grandma because if anyone deserved a death like the one in â€Å"The Notebook†, it was her. We will write a custom essay sample on A midsummer nights realization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page None of this- having to live another ten years without the man she sacrificed everything for and whom she loved more than herself- no, that wasn’t right. Maybe I’m too sensitive, but I watched that scene where they die and my throat started to tighten and my eyes closed. My girlfriend clung to me because she knew. I was ashamed because I thought that I was above crying for movies. But I wasn’t crying for a stupid movie, I was crying for my Grammy and Pepere. Life wasn’t fair to them, especially the Parkinson’s disease. I knew that and I cried. So I wasn’t ashamed.So now, if someone asks me if â€Å"The Notebook† made me cry, I tell them â€Å"No, my Pepere did. † Death next to watery soup isn’t something a man like my grandpa deserved. Man, did he have grit. He endured Parkinson’s disease for the last twenty years of his life. He did this with a dignity and integrity I can’t imagine.After the movie we took a walk. It was a beautiful night and there was a warm summer breeze and stars. We walked up to the top of a hill and looked up in silence. Life was all around me and death was nowhere. I took a breath and let it out. People remember the deceased in different ways. I honor his memory by substantiating it the way he would have: with love, care, and hard work. I began volunteering at a nursing home like the one he stayed in. I get the best grades I can because that’s what he wanted for his four daughters and eleven grandkids. I am honest and frank with people. I am thoughtful and careful. That night I was not scared to have my heart on my sleeve; I knew he wouldn’t have minded it. Before I did things because I needed to, now, I do them to remember. My Pepere deserves at least that.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Price and Ikea Essay Example

Price and Ikea Essay Example Price and Ikea Essay Price and Ikea Essay IKEA Dr. Okan Geray 1. Explain, in detail, the aspects of Ikea strategy that make it a Hybrid strategy. COST LEADERSHIP IKEA’s strategy is based on selling high-quality, Swedish designed, self-assembly furniture products at low price. The IKEA business idea is: ‘We shall offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low  that as many people as possible will  be able to afford them. ’ IKEA targets price-conscious young couples and families who are willing and able to  transport and assemble furniture kits. The low-price strategy, seeks to achieve a  lower price than competitors while maintaining similar perceived product or service benefits to  those offered by competitors, price is not appealing unless, it represents good value for money. This is where IKEA is able to make a real difference. IKEA is  committed to having a good relationship with their suppliers  and so they are able to  purchase good quality, economically produced designs that are bought in bulk to keep costs down. By making all their furniture’s flat packed they cut down on  transportation and assembly costs as well. Achieve cost leadership through multi-level competitive advantage on supply side with low cost logistics and large retail units in suburban areas allow them to sell products 20 to 40% cheaper than other competitors. The company is able to achieve a competitive advantage by delivering value to customers based on both product features and low price. DIFFERENCIATION * Marketing, IKEA is  focused on segmentation of its target: the middle-class population of all age groups Product range * Logistics , Furniture is flat back * Product range. 2. WHY IS THIS STRATEGY DIFFICULT FOR COMPETITORS TO IMITATE? 3. What are the dangers of a hybrid strategy and how can Ikea managers guard against them? A hybrid strategy seeks simultaneously to achieve differentiation and low price  relative to competitors. The success of this strategy depends on the  ability to deliver enhanced benefits to customers together with low prices whilst achieving sufficient margins for reinvestment to maintain and develop bases of differentiation. IKEA has looked towards emerging markets e. g. China for growth. Further  adaptation to products has been necessary including pricing strategy. Income levels of consumers are lower and stores needed to be located within the cities as car ownership is  lower. IKEA has experienced greater competition from national brands.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Green criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Green criminology - Essay Example Towards the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, there have been a number of legislations to protect animals against human cruelty. The Animal Welfare Act of 2006 prevented such offences as causing suffering, mutilation, and indulging animals in fighting; the Wild Mammals (Protection) Act of 1996 ensured illegitimate infliction of pain of any sort to animals; the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act of 2000 made it an offence to keep animals solely for the purpose of slaughter; and the Hunting Act of 2004 prevented both hunting wild mammals with dogs and hare coursing. In the United States, every state has sound legislation against cruelty to animals. For instance, the Humane care for Animals Act of 1973 by the state of Illinois makes it clear that the owners of the animals need to provide â€Å"a) sufficient quantity of good quality, wholesome food, and water; b) adequate shelter and protection from the weather; c) veterinary care when needed to prev ent suffering.To conclude, it can be stated that in many countries crimes towards animals today are no longer conceived as minor crimes. Studies have also shown that people who commit brutal crimes against animals are also likely to indulge in similar crimes towards humans too. As researchers at the American Prosecutors Research Institute have identified crimes against animals not only ‘generate enormous emotion and interest’ but also â€Å"there are signs of growing public and professional interest in the prosecution of crimes against animals† (APRI 2006, p. 1).